Purple White

Can the mood of a society be transformed into music? Can we see human behaviour in the patterns of colours?    Can we feel the sun break through the clouds of data?

What if art can help you sense the benefits of vaccines? What if a rhythm can save someone from an overdose? Can art help us understand and help us solve real world problems?

Recent projects have been concerned with concepts such as; symmetry in nature and music, honor-cultures, neurodegenerative disease and gamification of ideas.

1. The Naughty Gene – Batten disease (CERN, Switzerland),
2. Bestseller – gamification of ideas (Finland, Sweden)
3. Biophilia – symmetry in nature and music (Helsinki, Finland)
4. iSee, Vision loss among people with diabetes (Lund University, Sweden)
5. Domestic Violence – illustration of statistcs (The Worlds women 2015 UN-report, Web-art)
6. Add feeling Blue – patterns in social behaviour (Web art)
7. L2S – honor culture (Estonia, Finland, Sweden)
8. The Now – a look at science as art and art as science (ESOF16, The Science of Song, Manchester, UK)
9. In your hands – Babies and Cars, tactile ways of experiencing statistics (V&A, Stockholm, Sweden)
10. 1X2 – rhythmic recollection, opiate overdoses, Naloxon (Needle exchange program, Malmö Sweden)
11. Magnotion – orientation by magnetism.

Information alone is not enough, therefor Purple White uses artistic expression to improve the information deficit-model.

Facts are hard, people are soft

Purple White is a collaboration between artists and scientists that aims to explore new ways of presenting scientific and medical content using music, art and stories alongside digital and immersive expressions.

I believe we can use artistic interfaces with emotional resonance in the communication process, to create meaningful experiences and increase understanding.

This awareness and recent projects has led to Purple White three focus points:

  • Hard to soft interfaces – making medicine speak human
  • Applied art and functional music – the attentive touch of artistic information
  • For the public domain – expanding the reach of medical and scientific communication

Science and applied art ought to be functional and aesthetic, to make important messages simple, compelling and beautiful in the process. Purple White develop solutions for communication challenges, that scientists face.

The challenge is to transform the ordinary – or more common forms of communication – into the extraordinary while retaining the intended message.

When Gregor Mendel set out to control the process of making his purple pea plants develop white flowers, he founded genetics. The two colours symbolizes the process of combining art and science. Purple White is part of a growing interest around the world in exploring artistic opportunities within science.

Artistic interprations of statistics


Science add beauty to flowers


Frequency of new cars